Bounce Multiple Audio Files from Cubase Simultaneously
Using a macro we will add a feature that automatically bounces out multiple audio files from your Cubase projects.
Step 1. Open Cubase and open a project that you want to export audio events from.
Step 2. Open your key commands window. Click on the button near the bottom that says "show/hide macros" and add a new macro. I'm going to call it Bounce Events.
Step 3.
Search for the name of the macro and give it a key command that we will use to activate it. I set mine to ctrl+shift+b.
Step 4.
Now we will want to add six commands to the macro:
Transport - Locate Next Event
Transport - Set Left Locator
Transport - Locate Next Event
Transport - Set Right Locator
File - Export Audio Mixdown
Audio Export - Perform Audio Export
What this sequence of commands will do is select the event to the right, set your export region or locators to the selected event, open the export audio mixdown window, and export the selected event.
Step 5.
Make sure that the events you want to export have no edits in them, use the glue tool to glue them together.
Step 6.
Make sure that all audio tracks are selected that contain audio that you want to bounce, and that no audio events are selected.
Additionally, I would save your project under a different title such as "My Project - Exporting Audio Events". This will become important when we get to bouncing out multiple events at a time.
Step 7.
Using the key command you assigned to the macro, test it out. If it works correctly it should have automatically exported the first file. Now we will be expanding the macro to export all of your files! Step 8.
Save the key commands preset containing your macro. I named mine bounce events.
Step 9.
Open the audio export page. Click on the drop down arrow to the righ tof the name box and make sure "Auto Update Name" is checked. This is important so that Cubase automatically creates each file with a unique name, as to not run into naming conflicts.
Step 10.
In your start menu type %appdata% and press enter. Open your Steinberg folder, open the cubase folder with the same name as your current version, open presets, open KeyCommands, and find the key command preset you just saved.
Right click on it and open it with notepad (Windows) or TextEdit (Mac).
If you're a Mac user the Steinberg folder is located in "*Your Username*/Library/Preferences".
Note: After Mac OS X 10.7 (Lion) the correct Library folder has been hidden. You can now access it in the menu bar of Mac OS X: click on "Go" - while the menu is opened hold down the alt or option key to show the correct "Library" entry.
Step 11.
Scroll down until you find the where your "Bounce Events" macro is stored (should be near the bottom). There you will see each of its commands. Starting from the bottom </item> highlight everything until the top <item>.
Now you will want to copy and paste this for as many audio events you want to bounce out in your session. I duplicated it 100 times for the additional headroom.
Step 12.
Save the edited file with the .xml extension and go back to Cubase. If you reload your preset and open the macro we just created you will notice that the commands we duplicated have been added to the macro.
Step 13. Making sure that steps 5 and 6 remain completed, use the key command that you assigned to the macro to try it out. If it works correctly it should have automatically bounced out all files in your arrange page. If you duplicated the macro commands more times than the number of audio events that you want to bounce out, you will get an error message for each additional set of commands, as there is no audio left to bounce out. This is where I will force close Cubase as I have already exported all of my fies.
Unfortunately I haven't figured out a way around this yet, if I do, or if you guys know, please let me know and I'll update this tutorial =] Note - if this isn’t working for you don’t worry! When duplicating your macros using notepad it is very easy to mess up lines of code, or not saving the code as an .xml file or to the correct folder. It happened to me a handful of times while I was making this tutorial. Try going back a few steps and re-doing the macro.
If you're still having trouble, you can download the working macro and copy it to your KeyCommands directory here: Thanks for reading!